CFP: Gender, Food, and Technology in South Asia (Edited volume)
Is technology gendered? One of the earliest celebrations of technological innovation in food has been green revolution. There has been attempts to study impacts and role of technology in food production in South Asia. However, a critical reading of gendered forms of technology and food in South Asia is absent in the readings available in debates on food securitization, food and livelihoods, and food and identity in South Asia.
Is there a way to revisit food studies from the prism of technology beyond an understanding of its impact in terms of cooking technologies? Culinary practices, across time and space has undergone a drastic change and the role of printing, digital, visual forms are enormous in re-shaping food production as well as meanings of food. The discourse on ideal food, ideal diet and health discourses around food regimes are some of the instances of technoscientific control. These studies are significant to understand the linkages between technology and food production.
There are works that have studied the relation between gender, food and identity in South Asia. The linkages between gender 'in' technology has been central to works on special economic zones and its role in invisibilisation, changing spatiality and changing gendered relations. Hence recent works on economic zones have looked into gendered technologies and its impact on gendered laboring bodies. The proposed volume aims to understand the mutual constitutiveness of gender and technology in shaping each other with a special focus on food technologies as a gendered artefact.
Scholars working on South Asia are invited to contribute original essays of 7000 words for the edited volume. Interested contributors are requested to send in abstracts ( 200-300 words) with bionotes to contribute under any of the following themes:
-Technologies of culinary space
- Artifacts, and gendered culinary behaviours
- Gendering aesthestics, and changing hearths
- Consuming technologies : Missing 'gender'
Deadline of abstracts : 10 November 2019
Deadline of papers : April 2020
Contact email id : ishita@sau.intContact Info:
Dr. Ishita Dey
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology, South Asian University