What We're Reading This Week

Joshua Milstein
Susan Pedersen, "I Want to Love It" [Review of Richard J. Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History], LRB
Beda Magyar, "Hungary is Lost," Zeit Online
Yoav Di-Capua, "Making the Arab World: A Review [Di-Capua Reviews Fawaz Gerges]," LA Review of Books
James Parker
Mihir Bose, Amritsar, 100 Years On, Remains an Atrocity Britain Cannot be Allowed to Forget," The Guardian
Marwan Bishra, "The Art of Revolution: What Went Right in Sudan and Algeria," Al Jazeera
Alyssa Battistoni, "States of Emergency: Imagining a Politics for an Age of Accelerated Climate Change," The Nation
Ben Parker, "Rwanda: What Humanitarians Need to Remember 25 Years On, The New Humanitarian
Liat Spiro
Darren Byler, "Ghost World," Logic
Dagomar Degroot, "Did European colonisation precipitate the Little Ice Age?" Aeon
Isra Syed, "Neoliberal Encasement Infrastructure: The Case of International Organization Sovereign Immunity," LPE Blog
Adam Tooze, "Is this the end of the American century?" LRB
Fei-Hsien Wang, "Why the Chinese Government has blocked the nation's most popular soap operas," Washington Post